If you wish to be considered for booking you must submit the form to the right, and email the following to info@rockstarbooking.net:
1. Professional promo photo, band logos.
2. A quality video so we can show potential clients what you look and sound like. (Youtube videos are best.) Send link.
3. Website or artist social media page. (No personal social media pages.)
4. The ability to promote yourself. Promoting your shows is a must. (Posters, email, social media)
5. A list of where you are currently playing. We like to see that you already have a following and are booking yourself in other venues.
Rock Star Booking will only work with one point of contact per band. Please establish the person in you group that is quick to respond and can adequately manage the day to day for your band. This includes loading your availability to our website, paying commissions and able to communicate with our office.
Rock Star Booking is a venue agency. We do not exclusively book for any artist.
**Openings on our roster are currently limited. Submitting a request does not guarantee receiving a log in to our band portal. All submissions are kept on file for when we have more openings. If you are not contacted within two weeks of submission, please be patient. Please do not call to check on submissions. **